office 501-562-2800 John Williams 501-920-2669
office 501-562-2800 John Williams 501-920-2669
Considering an AUCTION ?
Auctions are best for merchandise that have a particularly desirable or collectible nature or a compelling story. Auctions are quite competitive! Prices for items that are rare, hard to find and desirable can often surprise us favorably at auction. Fine antiques, artwork, collectibles, machinery and other valuable objects are examples of merchandise that perform well in the auction arena.
The Good Stuff Auction will provide :
An evaluation of your merchandise by our knowledgeable experts.
An identification of the 'value features' of each item attracting a more varied and larger pool of buyers.
A comprehensive, customized, marketing strategy that incorporates cutting edge social media as well as conventional advertising and promotion. Your items that are of significant value or are particularly unique will receive special attention.
Arrangements for chairs, tables, food vendors and other necessary items and logistics provided when needed.
Professional location signage and mapping provided to direct buyers to event.
Organization, Staging and Presentation of the merchandise into appropriate lots.
Manpower & Security necessary to conduct an orderly and successful event.
Computerized clerking system with manual fallback.
Easy and varied options for potential buyers to participate include: on-site bidding, telephone bidding when set up before auctions , and absentee bidding .
Quick and Convenient arrangements for pick-up of sold items.
Collection of payment including Cash, Check, and Credit Cards, this includes collection and payment of all applicable taxes.
A complete and transparent accounting at the conclusion of our business and payment to seller usually within 14 days.
Options for disposal of residual sale items.
For more info text Jeff Perciful 501- 744-6067 or John Williams 501-920-2669
We've worked with over 2000 consignors
since we opened as a full time auction house in 2008.
Expect more by working with a licensed auctioneer with a Great Auction House
for a Free Consultation and evaluation
The Good Stuff Auction
9307 Treasure Hill Rd. Little Rock AR. 72227
(501) 744-6067 or office 501-562-2800
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